Bio-sorption of uranium by saragassum detifolium from the trachytic sills of Wadi El Atshan area, central eastern desert, Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Nuclear Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt.



In wadi El Atshan area, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt, the main rock types exposed in that area are the older granites, Hammamat sedimentary rocks, younger granites, trachytic sills and dikes. The Field studies and radiometric survey indicate that the trachytic sills are the main rock type in the investigated area which contain secondary uranium minerals. Sargassum detifolium is used to capture uranium from the trachytic sills. The analysis indicates that this alga absorbs the uranium content by 100% in two samples where happened in the other samples as well as, it changes the chemical composition of some minerals content, while some elements changed while other elements are decreased, Sargassum detifolium has the ability to biosorbe uranium content about 75% as in uranotile mineral {CaU2 (SiO4)2(OH)6.3H2O}.
