A Statistical Study on the Parameters Influences the Formation of Starch Nanoparticles through Acid Hydrolysis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 7618891167 Kerman, Iran.

2 Chemical and Biological Engineering Department, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada.


Starch is a natural, renewable and biodegradable polymer produced by many plants as a source of stored energy. It is the second most abundant biomass material in nature. Starch has a concentric semicrystalline multiscale structure. This structure allows the production of new nano elements through disruption of amorphous domain by acid hydrolysis. Current environmental concerns have turned starch nanoparticles into candidates of growing interest as bio-nanofiller for nanocomposite applications. In this study, the effects of different parameters, while the time of reaction was limited to 1 hr, on starch nano particles formation was investigated. A response surface methodology analysis has been undertaken. The average size of starch nanoparticle obtained in this study was 37.76 nm.
